Rebuilding Trust After Addiction Recovery

From the time we are born, we learn to lean on our parents. If we have a good relationship with them, they are the people we know we can turn to during difficult times, and they will always have our back. Stress like this is a leading cause of relapse so try not to let it get you down.

  • You need to find out what things help keep you sober, what things are positive and beneficial to rebuilding your life, and what things are going to be negative.
  • Career counselors work with clients to narrow down what kind of job they want.
  • If you are unsure how a former acquaintance will receive a phone call, or you want some time to consider what you would like to say, send an e-mail or a letter.
  • Roughly 50 percent of individuals with severe mental disorders are affected by substance abuse, (Source).
  • If you work on yourself and build a solid recovery program you will find that special person for you.
  • People who go through substance abuse problems are more likely to catch diseases than those who don’t.
  • Now that you’re sober, you might feel bored more often than usual.

If you are working on your recovery, here are nine actions you can take to start building a life after addiction. If finding a supportive and sober environment at home is challenging, you might want to consider sober living homes. Sober living homes have a structured and drug-free environment, support groups, and professional staff to help you transition back into society and maintain sobriety. Setting goals can help you focus on what you want to achieve in your new life in recovery. These can be small goals, like attending a meeting every week or exercising regularly, or bigger goals, like going back to school or starting a new career.

Take the First Step Towards a Healthier Life

Today, public awareness has expanded to how addiction affects people of all ages, backgrounds, economic statuses, and religions. Life as an addict normally revolves around trying to get your next fix or enjoying a high. When you come out of rehab, it can be hard to find something to fill all rebuilding your life after addiction the time that you never used to have before. But over time, it’s a great idea to allow your social circles to grow again. Being surrounded by others is an effective way to avoid the temptations of addiction. If you’re not ready to start attending social gatherings right away, that’s OK.

They take jobs, maintain routines, and make plans for their career. They establish a network of connections with healthcare professionals, counselors, and peers that can be reached for years to come. At Turnbridge, we aim to be the bridge between life in treatment and independent living. Rehab aftercare—also referred to as continuing care—is a valuable part of addiction treatment.

Get Treatment For Others Illness’s or Issues

From there, create smaller short-term goals that follow the S.M.A.R.T framework –– specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Learn Stress Management Techniques
In the early stages of recovery, it’s crucial to have a stress management plan in place to help prevent the possibility of relapse. One of the most powerful tools for relapse prevention is an acronym called HALT, which stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. When these basic needs are not met, it’s much more likely to turn to self-destructive behaviors rather than healthy coping mechanisms.

In rehab, you will have gained an insight into how certain beliefs drive your compulsion to take substances. Addictive behavior happens when we are unhappy, so the trick is to learn to navigate those emotions and use positive coping strategies. This is an overwhelming prospect as you may be further down the career path than your peers who may have more successful relationships.

Build positive interests and hobbies

As addiction treatment will emphasize, diet and exercise are invaluable in recovery. The chances are that you weren’t in the best health while in the middle of addiction, but it probably felt amazing to have a wholesome and balanced meal once you got sober. In all cases of drug abuse and addiction, the first step is detox, wherein drug use is stopped and the toxins from substances of abuse are expelled from the body. Depending on the drug of abuse and any medical complications, detox may require medical monitoring or assistance.

rebuilding your life after addiction

This discussion isn’t only for your sake, but for the sake of your loved ones too. They’ve gotten used to viewing you as a substance abuser and will continue to think of you that way unless you can show them differently. They may even expect too much now that you are back to being sober.

Try volunteering, continuing education, or pursuing other rewarding hobbies for a new life that is good for you. Your past substance abuse may have led you to forget about the things you once loved to do. It could be anything from singing, painting, going on adventures, cooking, etc. For example, drumming has been used to complement addiction therapy when other counseling methods have failed.

Now that you have moved past substance abuse, it’s time to take your health back into your hands! What makes Casa Palmera distinct from other treatment facilities is our desire to not only heal the body, but also aiming to heal the mind and spirit. Having friends who drink alcohol or use drugs can cause you to relapse. Try to find sober friends who understand what you have been through, and help you start rebuilding your new life.

Try to get at least eight hours of good quality sleep every night, and you’ll be surprised at the difference that it can make. Getting enough rest will help your mood, concentration levels, alertness, immune system, and much more. Team sports like soccer are a fantastic way to meet people who are invested in a healthier lifestyle, or you could just take up jogging, walking, or cycling in nature.

  • When you feel lost or alone, it helps to have sober friends who understand the challenges of recovery.
  • The point that someone begins to trust you again is not up to you.
  • Rebuilding trust is the most important factor here, and it will require time and effort from both parties in the relationship.
  • American Addiction Centers provides a confidential and free recovery app to patients who have completed treatment at one of our facilities.
  • Some studies show the more time you spend in a sober house, the more it is less likely you’ll relapse.

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