Hrp Collective Agreement

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Understanding the HRP Collective Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

If you`re an employee covered by the HRP collective agreement, you may wonder what it entails and how it affects your working conditions and benefits. In this article, we`ll explore the key features of the HRP collective agreement, its history, and its implications for both workers and employers.

What is the HRP Collective Agreement?

The HRP (Health Research Personnel) collective agreement is a legal contract between the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union (NSGEU) and the Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) that sets out the rights, responsibilities, wages, and benefits of eligible employees who work in health research positions. The HRP collective agreement covers a wide range of occupations, such as research coordinators, analysts, assistants, technicians, and specialists.

The current HRP collective agreement is dated from 2019 to 2023, and it`s the result of negotiations between the NSGEU and the NSHA that took several months to reach. The HRP collective agreement is binding for both parties, and any disputes or grievances related to the agreement must follow a specific process of resolution.

What are the Key Features of the HRP Collective Agreement?

The HRP collective agreement consists of several articles, each addressing a particular aspect of the employment relationship between the NSHA and the HRP employees. Some of the most notable articles include:

Article 6: Hours of Work and Scheduling – This article establishes the standard workweek for HRP employees (37.5 hours), the ways in which the NSHA can schedule work shifts, and the compensation for overtime and call-back work.

Article 10: Wages and Salary Scales – This article outlines the base pay rates for different HRP job classifications, as well as the annual increases and adjustments that will be applied over the life of the collective agreement.

Article 12: Benefits – This article covers the various benefits that HRP employees are entitled to, such as health and dental insurance, sick leave, vacation leave, and bereavement leave. It also specifies the rules and procedures for accessing these benefits.

Article 19: Professional Development – This article highlights the opportunities for HRP employees to pursue further education, training, and development, and the NSHA`s commitment to support such initiatives.

Article 23: Harassment and Discrimination – This article prohibits any form of harassment, discrimination, or bullying in the workplace, and provides a mechanism for reporting and addressing such behaviors.

What are the Implications of the HRP Collective Agreement?

The HRP collective agreement has several implications for both employers and employees in the health research sector. Some of the most significant ones include:

Clear Expectations – The HRP collective agreement provides a clear framework of expectations and obligations for both the NSHA and the HRP employees, which can reduce ambiguity, confusion, and conflict in the workplace.

Fair Compensation – The HRP collective agreement ensures that HRP employees receive fair and competitive compensation for their work, which can attract and retain talent in the health research field.

Improved Working Conditions – The HRP collective agreement sets standards for working conditions, such as hours of work, breaks, and overtime pay, which can promote better work-life balance and reduce burnout.

Protected Rights – The HRP collective agreement protects the rights of HRP employees against discrimination, harassment, and unfair treatment, which can create a safer and more respectful work environment.

Improved Research Outcomes – The HRP collective agreement supports professional development and training opportunities for HRP employees, which can enhance their skills and knowledge and improve the quality of health research projects.


The HRP collective agreement is an essential document that defines the employment relationship between the NSGEU and the NSHA for HRP employees. By understanding its key features and implications, employees can advocate for their rights and benefits, while employers can comply with their obligations and foster a positive workplace culture. If you have any questions or concerns about the HRP collective agreement, you can consult your union representative, supervisor, or the NSHA`s HR department for guidance.

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